Until Aloha Ends

I wrote the novel on-line at the Web-site several times a day. I did not know I was on line. Some people thought it was a performance, an exhibition on writing and editing.
I had sent out email invitations and notices to the media. I had made FBI and police reports on the situation on-line. The vandalism was intense at the Web-sites. I had a resources page, an early blog, and several novel sites. The audience was increasingly law enforcement and media people trying to figure out what was going on. The rest of the audience were average people, and some amazing sys ops. I identified people on the Marshall Islands in the Tiki Bar there, Hawaiian’s and others that felt like I did. that the Hawaiian HIstorical archives were in danger and under attack. They supported the history at the site with debate and interest. There were island and mainland African Americans involved in similar civil rights cases. Some reaching awareness through the NAACP (because of the lawsuits against the condos where I lived.) There were international College students, tourists, mostly Japanese and German, people at the company I was suing in Federal Court and military personnel and dependents on board. There were family and friends of family.
My chapters were sent out as spam. I kept them short and funny. People resent them and Aloha's End ping-ponged around the world. It was a popular site, though I'll never know the final counts.
Because I didn’t know what was happening, I’d start out my day with live rewrites. As a result the chapters were constantly changing. And people were confounded and confused by this. They came on line when I wrote to try to follow the changes in the story. It was very interactive. I reacted to my audience and their criticism. I shaped it to the concerns of the people reading it. Then I would add new chapters.
People were freaking out because of a sense of time or interdimensional travel at the site. There was an aura of the mystic.
At the point where TrueWest walked into the Big Bean Coffee House, past the coffee drinking Tiki at the entrance, and into the dark bar, people said it was like passing through a tunnel. Everything changed at that point. Rereading the story put people in a completely different space. I heard this from more than one person. They seemed to pass into a trance, and an hour later would come out at a different point in the story with a sense of traveling into a different dimension. The continued power of the Hawaiian Gods or Hawaiian Coffee was evident in the imaginations of many.
All the while, chapters were being vandalized and stolen. Heavy viruses’ attacks destroyed most of my floppy disks. Break-ins had reduced my evidence files, and the main tactic to dissuade me from writing the novel seemed to be allowing people to plagiarize it and threats and indications that it was in fact pornography. People could not tell the difference between fantasy and fact. They began to believe the characters were not only real, but began calling my girlfriend "Patita." People became very emtional around issues of sexual assualt in the community.
I put out my last ditch call for help three months after I started, and with the Web sites going down. It eventually did go down. And every computer people gave me, about five or six in all was sabotaged. Eventually I moved to a word processor to write.
The novel survived because I made hard copies. People also archived the Web site.
Back at Aloha present. I restored the Web site in August of 2006.
There will new chapters to the novel coming up. I’m trying to get back on track after getting involved in more off line battles. This is not a game. It's real. All the funny lines are stillnes getting clipped from the on-line book.
I’m going back to the original style of writing to try and repair damage. That is, I’ll be doing rewrites before doing new chapters. In This way it becomes more interactive. Feel free to join in, by writing to me with your thoughts.
If the time warp appears again, I wish you safe travel and return until Aloha End.
May you cast your leis on the tides of the seas of time and dimensional drift, and may they return to shore, letting you know that you'll be back this way again.
Labels: 1998 cyber wars, Aloha's End, cyber novels, cyber wars, palagerism