Aloha's End Chapter 34: Night As Deep As The Ocean

by Michael F. Zangari
© 2007 with all rights reserved.
Chapter 34: Night As Deep As The Ocean
True West slips the grey burnoose over his head.
It’s too small. His hands and feet hang out of the bag of the robe big as balloons.
The sandals are too small on his Texas honkers. He goes for his boots but Father Oblivious stops him with an extended arm. He shakes his head “no.”
Benny Aloha looks him over from under his hood.
“The robe is too small” he says.
His is too big.
His hands, head and feet are out of sight.
He looks like a tumbled dried death without a scythe.
Father Oblivious is dismayed.
“We are not a poor order. We tailor” he says.
“At least I can wear my loafers” says Benny Aloha.
He joins his hands beneath the sleeves.
The sound of the key in the slot breaks attention.
Brother Stenky opens the door and comes in.
“It has begun” he says. He shakes with excitement.
Father Oblivious looks at him.
“Yes” he says. He looks at his vapor dispersing watch.
True West notices it right away. It is made of the same material as the Stealth fighters.
It dissipates the smell of the body into an unrecognizable mist of product and perspiration.
True West thinks to himself that it must be hell getting a “ha” from this guy.
The “ha,” the breath of life traded by Hawaiians and others at hello is diminished significantly. It is the human smell extended to others.
His humanity is traceless by smell and warmth.
The only smell is that of the incense on his robe, dull myrrh.
“No ha” says Benny Aloha, reading True West mind and Father Oblivious’ arm pits.
Father Oblivious looks at them. "In some native cultures, the individual smell of the warrior is disguised by dung and earth based paints to disguise the smell so the enemy can not psychically identify them or deplete them. We subscribe to the same notion. Be spare with the human exchange. We give nothing to the vampire like entities we deal with."
True West smirks. "I know some women who use the same tactics with perfume..."
True West and Benny Aloha are both perspiring freely already under the wool.
They feel like goats on a hot day.
They give smell.
“The ritual has begun?” asks True West.
“No” says Brother Stenky. “The hula show.”
Benny Aloha is concerned.
“It’s rude to walk in late” he says. “Especially if the Samoan’s are twirling fire.”
The flames are in Brother Stenky’s eyes. “Like juggling hell’s balls” he says. “I’ve researched it.”
“Yes” says Father Oblivious. “Hell’s balls.”
He is elsewhere.
“What concerns you, father?” asks Brother Stenky.
“Demons” he says.
True West looks at the obsidian dagger hanging from the priest’s belt.
“I’m confused” he says.
“We’ll talk on the way” says Father Oblivious.
He sets the motion detector on the floor by the bed, winding it like a clock.
It ticks like one too.
“Let us go” he says.
They file out.
True West puts the hood of his robe over his head so it drapes down over his face.
True West and Benny Aloha walk like they are going up the aisle of a church to get married. They are slow and sanctimonious.
Brother Stenky puts on his sunglasses.
Father Oblivious looks at him and vetoes it with a head shake.
“It is not the fashion that concerns me” he says. “It is visibility. You are my secretary. I need you to be aware of the surroundings and take notes.”
Brother Stenky takes the sun glasses off immediately and hooks them on his belt with his dagger. The palm pilot comes out of his pocket.
“Walk normal” says Father Oblivious to the Benny Aloha and True West. “I’m letting you two come along to witness. I do not want you to draw attention to yourselves. It might be dangerous for you.”
True West looks at him nervously.
“Demons?” he asks?
“No” says Father Oblivious. “Lonely monks looking for conversations” he says.
True West tries to walk in a normal fashion, his West Texas oil field swagger gentle like he is walking desert with blisters in his boots.
His big bare feet and ankles stick out of the bottom of the robe like it he is wearing a granny dress.
He puts up his hood.
Father Oblivious looks him over.
“Good thing it will be dark” he says.
Benny Aloha reverts to cool stroll though it is hard to tell in the big bag he is wearing.
They wait at the elevator as Brother Stenky presses the down button.
Father Oblivious and Brother Stenky exchange excited smiles.
“I’m confused” says True West.
“Yes” says Father Oblivious.
“What does this have to do with Duck?”
Father Oblivious shakes his head.
“The psychic” says Father Stenky.
“No” says True West. “The psychotic.”
He regrets it immediately.
“He in fact has no chronic mental illness” says Brother Stenky. “That is pure fabrication. It is disinformation.”
“Do you really think he is the antichrist?”
“No” says Father Oblivious. “You’d think he was from the rumors. But no, he is not likely to be the devil. He lacks definition. But he probably knows him, most people do.”
Benny Aloha smiles cynically.
“Then why are you here?” Asks True West.
“We needed an excuse to convention in Hawaii, if you really want to know” says Father Oblivious. “We need the training.”
He pulls out his obsidian dagger from his belt and studies the blade.
“Soon there will be no more questions or investigations.”
“They say he is a prophet” says Brother Stenky. “That his predictions are remarkably accurate. There have been documented miracles around him.”
“Duck?” Asks True West Incredulously.
Benny Aloha nudges him with his elbow. He motions him to silence.
“It’s a miracle he is alive” mutters True West.
The hold silence together.
When the elevator door opens, True West gets the chilly peppers.
“Chicken skin” says Benny Aloha. “Very weird the stories.”
“Yes” says Father Oblivious. “One never gets use to the arcane.”
Brother Stenky looks down at his sandaled feet and newly clipped toenails.
“Pay attention” says Father Oblivious.
“Suspension of belief” is a useful psychological tool, in these cases. Act as if the stories are true” he says. “You’ll understand us and probably the Duck better.”
True West struggles with the internal journalist before acquiescing to an impulse inside.
He makes a decision to suspend belief. At least for a little while anyway.
Benny Aloha says “The islands are full of magic. It’s not unusual.”
True West notes it. “Magic” he says.
“Yes” says Benny Aloha. “Or at least, things that are normally beyond our beyond. Hawaiians are very accepting of the unusual. When you look at our history you understand this. Who would believe everything that has happened?”
“I understand” says True West.
He does.
“Life is weird” he says.
They step into the elevator.
The doors close.
They ride down the elevator tube of the hotel in silence.
The night is as deep as the ocean.
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